Have items to sell but don't have the time?
We can help by selling YOUR items for you!
If you have new or gently used items and want to sell but don't want to hassle with sites like eBay, Craigslist and OfferUp, we can help!
Take advantage of our credibility and seller rating on sites like FaceBook, Instagram and OfferUp and other sites we publish on. We collect your items, prep them for posting and take care of the wheeling and dealing of selling the items for you while you site back and watch the CASH roll in.
Items we sell:
- New and gently used clothing in excellent condition.
- New and gently used shoes and accessories in excellent condition.
- Small household items and appliances: Lamps, printers, irons, coffee machines, microwaves, tables, toaster ovens, dish sets, etc.
- Cell Phones and accessories in good working condition.
- Video games systems and games.
- Have a question on an item? Ask US!
How it works:
1. Contact us via phone or email to schedule a phone consultation where we will determine a date to meet with you and view your items.
2. We take your items to our storage and begin to prep photos, ads and place them on our websites and social media pages for sale.
3. Once an item is purchased we ship, deliver the item or schedule a pick up (local Sacramento-Elk Grove purchases only) with the buyer on your behalf.
4. You receive the purchase price minus our 7% service fee. If the buyer pays with card, sales will be reduced by an additional 3% card admin fee.
5. You spend your hard earned cash wherever you like!
So what are you waiting for???! Contact us today!
Phone: 530-420-6918
Email: [email protected]